7 Marketing Musts for Hosting a Successful Open House – Part 3: Executing and Following Up

Now that you’re done planning and marketing your open house, it’s time to get hosting and make the most of all your hard work!

Photo for 7 Marketing Musts Open House Blog Post - Part 3

6. Having Your Open House

Before your guests arrive, have a list of everyone who is registered so you can check them off as they arrive. You may also want to ask them to fill out some additional information upon arrival to further qualify their interest level and needs.

Once people are there, try to get them to sign up for your services by giving them demonstrations.  People generally appreciate complimentary treatments and samples, and are likely to repay the favor by scheduling an appointment or purchasing products. To further incentivize people to schedule appointments, you can also offer a special discount exclusive to open house attendees that schedule at the open house.

Think about taking some photos and videos during your open house to post on your social media pages and website (with your attendees’ permission of course!) to get people who didn’t attend interested in attending similar events in the future. This is also a great opportunity to get some video testimonials for your practice and any new products or services you offer. These testimonials can also be posted on social media and your website to enhance your existing promotional efforts.

7. Following Up
The benefits of hosting an open house shouldn’t end when the last guest leaves. To get the most out of your open house, you need to follow-up, both with people who registered but were unable to make it and with people who attended.

You may not think to follow-up with people who didn’t attend, but it’s an important step that could result in more business for you. The people who registered were clearly interested, so you need to capitalize on that interest while it’s still present. Consider calling or sending a follow-up email to express that you are sorry they missed the event, but still want to show them what you have to offer.  You can provide a date for another upcoming open house, or offer a discount or free sample to encourage further interaction.

When following up with people who attended, make sure you first thank them for coming. For people who didn’t schedule appointments or purchase product at the open house, offer an incentive for them to do so now. You can either extend the special pricing offered during the event, or offer a similar promotion to encourage post-event purchase.

Remember – an open house is an opportunity for you to show off your best assets, so make the most of it! If you follow these 7 steps, you can easily host a successful event and get people excited about what you have to offer.

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