3 Reasons Laser Therapy Scores Big with Soccer Players

Whether you’re a world-class athlete or someone who just enjoys a pick-up game of soccer with friends, you need to keep yourself healthy to stay in the game.

Laser therapy is becoming increasing popular as a preferred treatment method for soccer players worldwide to help reduce pain and inflammation and get players off the bench and back out onto the field.
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Here are 3 common soccer-related injuries that laser therapy works wonders on:

Hip Adductor
The hip adductor can be a difficult area to treat and many soccer players experience hip pain from the rigors of full-speed game play. The hip is a large area, with deeply located structures that cause pain. Treating injuries with deep tissue laser therapy is ideal because of its ability to deliver a large dosage at depth to these deep injuries.

Try on-contact massage delivery techniques for optimal results.

As seen in the World Cup this year, hamstring injuries are exceedingly common in soccer. These injuries can be extremely painful and keep a player out of the game for an extended period of time. There is an alternative to ice and massage for hamstrings – laser!

Using the massage ball attachment head, decreased inflammation and pain can be quickly achieved. The laser penetrates deeply into the tissue and increases microcirculation to bring oxygen, vital sugars, proteins and salts to the affected area, all while the athlete enjoys a warm massage sensation.

Shin Splints
Shin splints are another common and painful injury for soccer players. Sudden increase in activity and overuse can cause the lower leg muscles to improperly handle shock, thus causing the tibia to overcompensate, leading to pain and inflammation of the surrounding areas. While rest is advisable, laser therapy should be considered to assist the body in its natural healing process, and make the athlete more comfortable during that process.

A couple of quick laser treatments will help to reduce the associated pain and inflammation and increase blood flow to the area, allowing the athlete to recover more quickly. Also remember that due to the painful nature of shin splints, an off-contact treatment method should be used to maximize patient comfort.

If you haven’t considered using laser therapy to help keep soccer players in the game, you’re missing a chance to score big with reduced recovery times and happier patients!

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