The Power of Prudence—Lasers Provide an Answer to Injury Prevention

The majority of discussion around injury relates to treatment post occurrence. But what about preventing injury before it even happens? There is certainly no way to prevent all injury, but laser therapy could be one way to promote injury prevention.

Class IV therapy lasers are being widely used in professional and collegiate sports as a warm up tool. Laser therapy increases blood flow to treated areas, which athletes and trainers both appreciate during warm-up. Laser before activity can be administered either in conjunction with traditional warm-up exercises, or in place of higher impact exercise. Laser is also a good pre-event warm-up for damaged tissue.

Laser therapy reduces inflammation. Most athletes have a base level of inflammation and many also have pre-existing conditions. Using laser therapy before competition and training helps athletes perform at their peak more quickly and reduces struggles with limited range of motion and pain.

To maximize injury prevention, laser therapy can also be used with other popular techniques such as kinesiotaping. Watch this instructional video to learn how to maximize results by combining these 2 techniques:

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