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2023 Laser Research Update



Watch Time: 58 mins.

Come and join us for one of our highly popular recurring webinars! Enhancing our collective knowledge base relies on being well-informed about the latest research in photobiomodulation (PBM).

In this captivating on-demand webinar, Brian Pryor, PhD, delves into recent PBM studies published since 2022. The webinar explores various subjects, such as the impact of lasers on different tendinopathies, the effects of high intensity laser treatments on MSK dysfunction, and the effectiveness of using multiple wavelengths compared to a single wavelength for treating shoulder disorders.

By attending, you will gain a deeper comprehension of the most up-to-date literature, receive answers to frequently asked laser-related questions posed to Enovis' medical education team, and discover methods to achieve improved outcomes in pain reduction and mobility enhancement through the utilization of PBM.